Into Games Careers Stage at WASD

Into Games are a non-profit that provides skills, support, and development for people looking to work in the games industry! They provide mentorship, career festivals, free learning resources and train up ambassadors.

Join us at the Into Games Careers Stage for tasty knowledge on your next move, job search advice, developing your portfolio skills and more! Here’s the confirmed schedule for WASD:

Thursday 30th March 

Friday 31st March 

Saturday 1st April 

Find out more about Into Games and what they do and see you at Careers stage for all of these amazing talks!

WASD takes place at the Truman Brewery, London E1 6QR from March 30 - April 1. Get your tickets here 


Book a Remote Exhibitor Stand at WASD


Mike Rose joins the London Developer Conference line-up at WASD!